
A live webinar entitled “Digital Signage Reimagined,” hosted by Digital Signage Today and sponsored by Intel addressed how digital signage has evolved and how companies are reimagining the technology.

Digital signage has consistently evolved over the years. It is no longer a static device that loops content or even a standalone display. It is now a contextually and audience aware tool that companies can use to reach customers on their level.

A live webinar entitled “Digital Signage Reimagined,” hosted by Digital Signage Today and sponsored by Intel, addressed how digital signage has evolved and how companies are reimagining the technology. Bradley Cooper, editor of Digital Signage Today, moderated the panel with George Preston, North America sales director, SpinetiX, Dane Oldridge, technical sales specialist, display and payment technology, Intel Internet of Things Group, and Jay Hutton, co-founder and CEO, president and director of VSBLTY.

During the presentation, the panelists addressed a variety of questions including:

  • What does reimaging digital signage mean to you and what is your company doing to reimagine digital signage?
  • Where do you think digital signage will be in five years?
  • What are some of the challenges of developing effective digital signage in 2021?
  • How has COVID-19 impacted digital signage?
  • What are customers looking for in digital signage in 2021?

In addressing how digital signage is transforming, Hutton brought up four factors. It’s “no longer passive, it’s active, it’s providing consumer engagement for brand benefit.” Hutton also said, “measurement is critical” as is experiential technology.

Preston added that it will be important that digital signage providers don’t just focus on delivering bespoke solutions but also appeal to the mainstream who don’t want or need highly advanced solutions.

When looking at the future of digital signage Hutton said that targeting will be key.

“In real time, Colgate can offer advertisement targeted to that individual. It’s going that way because of the economics,” Hutton said. “More than 50% of retail signage will be measured. Right now it’s 10%, if that.”

Hutton also said that loyalty programs will also be increasingly more integrated to share data.

Preston said that security will be the glue that holds these targeting systems together.

“Now security isn’t asked at the end, it’s asking at the beginning,” Preston said. “How are all the actors going to work together to prevent denial of service or bad actors using signage for something negative?”

On the privacy side of this equation, Hutton argued that digital signage companies are following privacy regulations and going above and beyond those regulations. They do not collect private identifiable information when delivering these personalized experiences.

When asked how COVID-19 has impacted digital signage, Oldridge said that DOOH was hit particularly hard since most customers have had to stay at home. This has also affected smart cities as the need for Wi-Fi outdoor kiosks has decreased. At the same time, as COVID-19 begins to recede, the DOOH industry is recovering.

Preston said that COVID-19 exposed how retailers are often not very far along in the digitalization process as many did not have the infrastructure in place for check-in, displays and more. However, these retailers have had critical time to catch up.

Hutton said that COVID-19 has created a resurgence for touchless technology and QR codes.

“QR codes are back. They provide an interesting way to engage customer without touching, and more importantly, have a relationship with the customer,” Hutton said. “Because he [the customer] scanned the QR code, you can remarket to him after he leaves the store.”

To find out more about reimagined digital signage, click here to listen to the event in its entirety.

Bradley Cooper. (2021, May 11). Digital Signage Today. Retrieved from